Foundation Stage classes - Donaldson and Jeffers
Welcome to EYFS!
EYFS (ID 1269)
Miss HarrisDonaldson Class Teacher
Miss Harris
All about Miss Harris
I have a dachshund (sausage dog) called Rocket.
I love finding a cosy corner and reading a good book.
My favourite animal is a rhino. I think they are amazing animals!
The best place I have travelled to is New Zealand.
I love trying out new recipes and eating yummy food!
Mrs MarbrookDonaldson Class Teacher
Mrs Marbrook
Miss MorrisonJeffers Class Teacher
Miss Morrison
- Miss Morrison is an Assistant Headteacher
- Miss Morrison is our Pupil Premium Leader inc Service and LAC
- Miss Morrison is our Educational Visits Coordinator
- Miss Morrison is French Subject Lead
- Miss Morrison is OPEN Learning Partnership Rep
All about Miss Morrison
I like nothing more than curling up with a good book – especially when relaxing on a lounger in the sunshine.
I always look forward to my Summer holiday with my family and enjoy travelling, seeing new sights and embracing new experiences.
My son and daughter both came to Oundle Primary School and have very fond memories of their time here.
My favourite food is anything that I haven’t had to cook and I love mint chocolate!
Foundation Stage at Oundle Primary
It is our belief that all children in the EYFS should have an inspiring educational experience filled with fun and stimulating opportunities to learn, that develops their curiosity and a love of learning. We understand the importance of fostering the knowledge and skills that are necessary as the foundations for their future education. We enjoy extending children’s learning through focusing on their interests and weaving that into their daily curriculum and we create a rich and entertaining learning environment, with a heavy focus on outdoor learning and ‘real life’ hands on learning.
We aim for our EYFS environment to be highly creative and dynamic on a day-to-day basis. Since the change to the EYFS framework in 2021, we have embraced and enjoyed incorporating Greg Bottrill’s approach of the 3Ms – making conversation, mark making and mathematics. We put into practice the approach of, instead of pulling children away from their play to learn, joining them in their play to extend their deeper learning. Being part of their games, dressing-up, having fun, putting ourselves into the narrative of their role-play. Children in the EYFS learn most successfully through play, so we entwine ourselves into their play and they create their own learning experiences with our support and guidance, helping them to develop their strengths. Our aim is for every child to reach their academic potential, which has led us to create an environment which doesn’t limit the children’s thinking, giving them open-ended stimuli.
Our team promotes inclusive strategies within our teaching environment. These strategies include using a step-by-step approach, teaching in small bites with lots of practice and repetition. We reinforce abstract concepts with concrete examples. We incorporate sensory elements to lessons and the teaching environment; visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, using the outdoors and the world around us whenever possible. We provide opportunities for success to build self-esteem. We vary types of instruction; including verbal, non-verbal and visual, and most importantly we get to know the individual and what works for them.
Our commitment to the safeguarding and welfare of all pupils is demonstrated through the creation of a safe environment in our classrooms where all pupils feel valued and have a voice. It is our belief that children need to feel comfortable, happy and have the ability to self-regulate before they can even begin to learn.
We understand that you are entrusting us with your most treasured possessions, and we feel privileged to be in the position of being able to inspire and motivate your children to achieve through their learning and build the foundations of their love of lifelong learning.
Curriculum 2024-2025
Curriculum Overview EYFS Spring 2
Curriculum Overview EYFS Autumn 1
Curriculum Overview EYFS Autumn 2Curriculum Overview EYFS Spring 1Links