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Oundle CE Primary

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Vision and Values

As a Church of England School, with a heritage stretching back hundreds of years in Oundle, we believe it is crucial for us to have a clear vision for all of our pupils regardless of their background or beliefs. Our school uses the Christian ethos to underpin its worship and values which significantly support what we would all believe to be important as values for life.

Our vision

‘To Be the Best You Can be’

‘Let your light shine before others; that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.’ Matthew 5:16

We anticipate all of our children ‘shining’ in their unique ways, yet building a mindset that they can achieve their aspirations. Our children learn that ‘shining their light to others’ means they are proud of themselves, their achievements and will role model their strengths and positive behaviours to others.

Our children stand proud as members of their school and we are greatly supported by our parents and community.

 Our values

Our children, staff and AGC agreed on three core values that we deem to be core for our school; joy, kindness and resilience. By having just three values, we feel they are memorable and 'live-able' every day.

Joy is about the children being positive and hopeful for themselves, others and the world in which they live. Positivity and hope supports our aspiration and drive for now and the future.

Kindness helps us to think of others beyond ourselves. We recognise that by being kind to others, we are kind to ourselves in return. Kindness covers all aspects of love, care and respect.

Resilience is a key value that reminds us that we sometimes need to find another way to achieve something. Resilience is a skill for us to develop; to draw upon our strength, problem solving skills and ability to adapt to changes. Resilience gives us the ability to recover quickly and not give up.


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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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